Saturday, March 31, 2007

Republicans are Pro-Troops like they're Pro-Child

Thought for the day:

Republicans spend a lot of time saying that their opponents don't "support the troops". They also say that they (the Republicans) are "pro-life" and "pro-child". They do seem to be "pro-troop" in about the same measure as they are "pro-child". Here's a quick rundown of their positions:

We need lots of children so we don't get overrun by brown people. We need lots of troops so we don't get overrun by Muslims (who are mostly brown).
But I mostly care about other people having kids. But I want it to be other people's kids going off to fight.
I only care about children till they're born. I only care about the troops till they're deployed.
Education and health care for born children is optional. Training, armor, and health care for deployed troops is optional.
Cutting (really) rich people's taxes is more important than actual children. Cutting (really) rich people's taxes is more important than actual troops.

1 comment:

Raven said...

I would also add:


I only care about college and career opportunities for my children.

Pro-Troop: Vocational training and benefits for returning troops is optional.