New Favorite Blog: You Are Not So Smart, "a blog devoted to self delusion and irrational thinking."
Especially The Just World Fallacy, which explains a lot about certain political types, and The Duchenne Smile, just 'cause it's neat.
A Nerd Ranting about Science, Technology, Politics, Science Fiction, and whatever other tomfoolery comes to mind.
New Favorite Blog: You Are Not So Smart, "a blog devoted to self delusion and irrational thinking."
Especially The Just World Fallacy, which explains a lot about certain political types, and The Duchenne Smile, just 'cause it's neat.
Dude, this is oddly coincidental. I *just* discovered the other day, and began following David McRaney on Twitter. His handle is @davidmcraney and there's one for the blog itself at @NotSoSmartBlog, although you don't do Twitter, right?
No, I do not do Twitter.
Dammit, Blogger ate my "Cue Twilight Zone theme" and won't let me do the left-and-right-angle-brackets in < and > form.
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